The Discover Conference Series is designed to provide a format and venue that encourages in-depth discussion of cutting-edge science.

ADSA Discover Conferences focus on topics of importance to the science of food animal agriculture and are held in a relaxed, informal setting. Sessions for this conference will allow ample time for discussion, networking and relaxation.

Use the "Meeting" menu selection to view the latest Discover Conference meetings.

DISCOVER Conference Proposals
Proposals and inquiries are welcome at any time and should be addressed to:

Joanne Knapp
Director, DISCOVER Conferences and ISRP2024 Symposium
Home Office Phone: (559) 788-9695

Proposal Request for a DISCOVER Conference

Statement on Media Participation
DISCOVER Conferences offer an environment and format that encourage exciting interactions among scientists focusing on topics of importance to the science of food animal agriculture. The program is designed to provide a format and venue to encourage in-depth discussion of cutting-edge science. There will be no proceedings, and citations or references from the conference will not be allowed so that free and open exchange of new or controversial issues may be achieved.

Scientists, educators, practitioners and others with an interest in the DISCOVER program are encouraged to participate. This includes members of the media. However, as with all other participants, media involvement will be restricted to participation in discussions during the conference. Media are encouraged to participate in the conference discussions, however, we respectfully request they abide by the conference policies to not publish or cite any discussions or handouts from the meeting. In the interest of preserving the intent of the conference series, Media will asked to sign an agreement that DISCOVER Conference Coordinators must approve text related to the conference prior to publication.

DISCOVER Conference Steering Committee
Joanne Knapp, DISCOVER Conferences and ISRP2024 Symposium Director
Michael Ballou, Texas Tech University
Scott Bascom, Phibro Animal Health
Todd Callaway, University of Georgia
Joseph Dalton, University of Idaho
Jill Davidson, Diamond V
Mike Miller, University of Illinois
Charles Soderholm, Milk Specialties Global
Steven Zeng, NIFA-USDA
Molly Kelley, DISCOVER Conferences Coordinator