ADSA Blog Archive

Open-Access FAQs

The American Dairy Science Association’s two journals, the flagship Journal of Dairy Science® (JDS) and the innovative JDS Communications® (JDSC), have been gold open access journals since 2022! The move to open access has helped make our authors’ scientific work more widely available, visible, and citable. Click through for some frequently asked questions from authors.

ADSA Strategic Plan

In February 2022, the ADSA Board of Directors approved a new strategic plan. The new plan is built around 5 core initiatives and supporting objectives that will focus our priorities over a 3-year period to help ADSA meet its strategic objectives and advance its mission. Ultimately, the plan ensures that the association meets the needs of our members and provides value throughout our community.

JDS Top 100 for 2023

Congratulations to the following authors. The Journal of Dairy Science® recognized these papers and authors as being among the most highly cited and recently published (2020–present). Papers are listed in the order in which they were published in the journal.

ADSA® is requesting candidate nominations for the national ADSA board.

We are currently accepting nominations for the following positions. Self-nominations are always welcome!

  • vice president from the production division (one-year term followed by service as president for the 2022 to 2023 term, then past president, then past-past president)
  • one director from the dairy foods division to serve for three years 2021 to 2024
  • one director from the production division to serve for three years 2021 to 2024

Nominations are due by February 5, 2021.

JDS Top 100 for 2020

Congratulations to the following authors. The Journal of Dairy Science recently recognized the these papers and authors as being among the most highly cited and recently published (2017-present). Papers are listed in the order in which they were published in the journal.

SAD Competition deadline extended to June 1

Following the announcement that the ADSA Annual Meeting is moving to a virtual format, the May 1 SAD competition entry deadline has been extended to June 1. Many of the competitions and events planned for the undergraduate program will continue virtually. More details will be coming very soon to your email and this web site.

Visit the ADSA Meeting website often for the latest event information.

2018 Journal Impact Factors released!

The latest Impact Factors have been released by Clarivate Analytics, and the Journal of Dairy Science® Impact Factor increased from 2.749 to 3.082 and is ranked 4th of 61 journals in the Agriculture, Dairy, and Animal Science category and 34th of 135 journals in the Food Science and Technology category.

GSD Webinar Series: Making the Transition: Undergraduate to Graduate Education

Are you an undergraduate student interested in continuing your dairy science education with a graduate degree? Please join us for the next installment of the ADSA Graduate Student Division webinar series, as we answer your questions about the transition from undergraduate to graduate education. Interact virtually with a panel of current dairy science graduate students as they discuss how to search for ideal graduate programs, inquire with primary advisors, apply to the graduate program, and prepare for the next steps of your career. This webinar is open to all ADSA members. Registration details: The webinar will include a 40-minute presentation followed by a live question and answer session. The webinar will be recorded and archived for future use.

Making the Transition: Undergraduate to Graduate Education

When: Wednesday, November 14 at 4:00 pm EST


Journal of Dairy Science® Ranking

© 2016 Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics

Ranked 3rd out of 58 journals in Agriculture, Dairy, and Animal Science category JDS is ranked 3rd for the 5-year Impact Factor, 1st by Eigenfactor (which removes self-citations), and 1st by total citations.

Ranked 29th out of 129 in Food Science and Technology category JDS is ranked 29th for Impact Factor, 4th by Eigenfactor (which removes self-citations), and 3rd by total citations.

There's Still Time to Register for ADSA 2018!

The 2018 ADSA Annual Meeting is being held in beautiful Knoxville, Tennessee. Did you know that Knoxville is within a day’s drive of half the continental US and that it boasts 120 daily flights from more than 20 nonstop destinations to McGhee Tyson Airport (TYS), just 12 miles from downtown? This means you still have plenty of time to make plans to attend the most comprehensive dairy science meeting in the world.

ADSA Foundation Collection of 100-Year Reviews

To reflect on the past century of research published in the Journal of Dairy Science®, the December issue of the journal’s 100th volume contains the ADSA Foundation Collection of 100-Year Reviews, a special 100th anniversary retrospective containing 30 focused reviews of progress in areas of research that are featured in JDS. A stand-alone reprint of the ADSA Foundation Collection of 100-Year Reviews is available from Elsevier for $35.00 plus the cost of shipping.

2017 Journal Impact Factors released!

The latest Impact Factors have been released by Clarivate Analytics, and the Journal of Dairy Science® Impact Factor increased from 2.474 to 2.749 (an 11% increase) and is ranked 4th of 60 journals in the Agriculture, Dairy, and Animal Science category and 35th of 133 journals in the Food Science category.