Authors and reviewers can enroll in the loyalty program starting January 1, 2024, by:
Step 1: Becoming an ADSA Professional Member (Already an ADSA professional member? Skip to step 2!)
As member of ADSA, you join the top minds in dairy science—from dairy production to dairy foods—working together to share knowledge, advocate for science, and support innovation and discovery. Professional membership is $110 and grants you significant discounts toward all ADSA meetings and discounts toward article publishing charges (in addition to loyalty program discounts)—more than $1,900 for the Journal of Dairy Science and more than $500 for JDS Communications—that help you to start saving right away.
Become a professional member
Renew your membership
Step 2: Enrolling in the loyalty program with your ORCID on or after January 1, 2024
As an ADSA professional member, you now have access to a membership dashboard where you can enroll in the program starting January 1, 2024, by adding your ORCID number, which is how we track your points across the program. Enroll by navigating to “My Benefits” and then “ADSA Loyalty Program” in your membership dashboard and add your ORCID to your profile.

Add your ORCID
Step 3: Link your ORCID to ScholarOne/Manuscript Central (Is your ORCID already linked in ScholarOne/Manuscript Central? Skip to step 4!)
Be sure to link your ORCID to your ScholarOne/Manuscript Central profile via these steps so we can track your work as an author and a reviewer.
Step 4: Start earning points!
As an ADSA professional member, with your ORCID linked to your membership profile and your ScholarOne/Manuscript Central profile, you are now fully enrolled in the loyalty program and will immediately start earning points starting January 1, 2024!