GSD Leadership

Advisory Council


Conor McCabe
University of California, Davis

Vice President
Yufeng “Evelyn” Lin
North Carolina State University

Madison Bacon
University of Minnesota–Twin Cities

Guadalupe Ceja
Texas A&M University

Dairy Foods Director
Bailey Gong
Cornell University

Dairy Production Director
Mariana Nehme Marinho
University of Florida

GSD Liaison: Jenny Paul

The GSD Advisory Council can be contacted at

Constitution and Bylaws


Advisory Council Positions Descriptions

Vice President
Fundraising Committee
Dairy Foods Director
Dairy Production Director

Position: GSD President
Time commitment: 5 hours per week
Role following one year as Vice President
Position flips between Production Division (even years) and Foods Division (odd years)


  • Oversee all activities of the GSD and serve as the board of directors liaison for all things relating to graduate students
  • Recruit, welcome, and engage new GSD officers and committee members
  • Create agendas and check in with graduate officers to track progress toward the annual meeting
  • Chair a 1-hour monthly meeting with graduate students and sit in on a 2-hour monthly board of directors meeting
  • Meet with GSD liaison ~30 minutes per week to discuss up and coming ideas and events
  • Brainstorm new ideas to meet the ever-changing needs of graduate students in dairy science


  • Attend an in-person site visit with the Overall Program Committee for the following June conference in the city where the ADSA annual meeting is to be held
  • Brainstorm idea for the ADSA GSD Symposium to be held over the Monday lunch hour at the annual meeting (e.g., start-ups in dairy science, how to make graphical abstracts for JDS Communications)

January – March

  • Work with the ADSA Foundation to fundraise for the travel grant scholarships for students to attend the annual meeting


  • Attend the midyear board of directors meeting in a city to be named annually. This depends on the year and is a full-day meeting on a Saturday.


  • Arrive early at the ADSA annual meeting site for board meetings to take place for the two days before the annual meeting


Position: Vice President
Committee: DEI
Time commitment: 3 hours per week


  • Perform duties of the president during his or her absence or disability and shall succeed to president at the end of the term (one year)
  • Attend regular monthly meetings
  • Coordinate programs and activities of the GSD, including annual meeting events and year-round activities
  • Host an ADSA board member meeting welcome webinar
  • Chair the DEI Committee
    • Meet for one hour on a monthly basis with overall the ADSA DEI Committee
    • Ensure and engage DEI into all proceedings, events, and language used
    • Recruit graduate students to be part of and form the DEI Student Committee


Position: Secretary
Committee: Outreach
Time commitment: 2 hours per week


  • Actively participate in monthly GSD Advisory Council meetings, and contribute valuable insights and feedback to drive strategic decisions regarding GSD virtual and in-person events (i.e., annual meeting)
  • Take meeting minutes during monthly GSD Advisory Council meetings
  • Write and share three newsletters
  • Coordinate annual GSD elections
  • Chair the Outreach Committee to work with other dairy science graduate students to create content and outreach throughout the year
  • Create a posting schedule for ADSA GSD social media accounts (Twitter/X, Instagram, LinkedIn)


Position: Treasurer
Committee: Fundraising
Time commitment: 1 hour per week


  • Actively participate in monthly GSD Advisory Council meetings, and contribute valuable insights and feedback to drive strategic decisions regarding GSD virtual and in-person events (i.e., annual meeting)
  • Chair the Finance Committee
    • Help develop fundraising strategies according to the conference goals, including identifying potential sponsors
    • Determine the most effective method for soliciting the sponsorships and donations
    • Maintain a database of donors, and track fundraising progress
    • Aim to secure event sponsors for each event as well as additional sponsorships for ongoing events


Fundraising Committee
Time commitment: 1 hour per week


  • Assist the Social chair in finding suitable locations for the GSD social event for ADSA’s annual meeting
  • Brainstorm social activities that promote ADSA information distribution and networking opportunities for graduate students at annual meeting social event


Position: Dairy Foods Director
Committee: Career Development or Social
Time commitment: 1 hour per week


  • Actively participate in monthly GSD Advisory Council meetings, and contribute valuable insights and feedback to drive strategic decisions regarding GSD virtual and in-person events (i.e., annual meeting)
  • Represent the needs of members with dairy foods interest when planning GSD events
  • Attend the ADSA Dairy Foods Division business meeting at the annual meeting
  • Chair the Career Development or Social Committee

Career Development Committee

  • Organize 3-Minute Thesis competition at the annual meeting
  • Help organize a GSD–USD joint event at the annual meeting to increase interaction between graduate and undergraduate students and promote the mentoring of undergraduate students who are especially interested in pursuing graduate education
  • Find and advertise relevant educational materials to members
  • Schedule educational webinars on assorted dairy foods and production topics throughout the year (about three per year)
  • Plan career and professional development webinars geared toward graduate students throughout the year
  • Update university club and organization contact information and forward webinar information for more recruitments
  • Organize career-oriented workshops and seminars at the ADSA annual meeting (e.g., Career Insights Luncheon)

Social Committee

  • Analyze post event feedback and social event budget reports from previous years to plan the GSD social event, identifying areas for improvement and strategies for increasing graduate student involvement at the social event
  • Plan the opening night social for graduate students at a location off campus of the convention center
  • Help with promotion of the social events and find opportunities to drive student connection and networking between the annual meetings


Position: Dairy Production Director
Committee: Career Development or Social
Time commitment: 1.5 hours per week


  • Actively participate in monthly GSD Advisory Council meetings, and contribute valuable insights and feedback to drive strategic decisions regarding GSD virtual and in-person events (i.e., annual meeting)
  • Represent the needs of members with dairy production interest when planning GSD events
  • Attend the ADSA Dairy Production Division business meeting virtually before the annual meeting
  • Chair the Career Development or Social Committee

Career Development Committee

  • Organize the 3-Minute Thesis competition at the annual meeting
  • Help organize a GSD–USD joint event at the annual meeting to increase interaction between graduate and undergraduate students and promote the mentoring of undergraduate students who are especially interested in pursuing graduate education
  • Find and advertise relevant educational materials to members
  • Schedule educational webinars on assorted dairy foods and production topics throughout the year (about three per year)
  • Plan career and professional development webinars geared toward graduate students throughout the year
  • Update university club and organization contact information and forward webinar information for more recruitments
  • Organize career-oriented workshops and seminars at the ADSA annual meeting (e.g., Career Insights Luncheon)

Social Committee

  • Analyze post event feedback and social event budget reports from previous years to plan the GSD social event, identifying areas for improvement and strategies for increasing graduate student involvement at the social event
  • Plan the opening night social for graduate students at a location off campus of the convention center
  • Help with promotion of the social events and find opportunities to drive student connection and networking between the annual meetings
Past Advisory Councils


President: Luke Qian, Cornell University
Vice-President: Conor McCabe, University of California, Davis
Secretary: Lauren Engelking, University of Alberta
Treasurer: Richard R. Lobo, University of Florida
Dairy Foods Director: Caitlin Smits, North Carolina State University
Dairy Production Director: Guilherme Madureira, University of Guelph


President: Lautaro Rostoll Cangiano, University of Guelph
Vice-President: Luke Qian, Cornell University
Secretary: Sarah Bennett, Penn State University
Treasurer: Caitlin Zaring, University of Tennessee
Dairy Foods Director: Sonali Raghunath, University of Minnesota
Dairy Production Director: Conor McCabe, University of California, Davis


President: Heather McCain-Keefer, North Carolina State University
Vice-President: Lautaro Rostoll Cangiano, University of Guelph
Secretary: Emily Lindner, University of Florida
Treasurer: Timothy Lott, Cornell University
Dairy Foods Director: Lauren Sipple, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Dairy Production Director: Cora Okkema, Colorado State University


President: Bethany Dado-Senn, University of Florida
Vice-President: Heather McCain-Keefer, North Carolina State University
Secretary: Miriam Snider, University of Vermont
Treasurer: Hugo F. Monteiro, University of Florida
Dairy Foods Director: Maryam Enteshari, South Dakota State University
Dairy Production Director: Ben Saylor, University of Florida


President: Marie Lawton, Cornell University
Vice-President: Bethany Dado-Senn, University of Florida
Secretary: Glenda Pereira, University of Minnesota
Treasurer: Melissa Cantor, University of Kentucky
Dairy Foods Director: Heather McCain-Keefer, North Carolina State University
Dairy Production Director: Connor Owens, Virginia Tech


President: Matthew Borchers, University of Kentucky
Vice-President: Marie Lawton, Cornell University
Secretary: Amanda Lee, University of Tennessee
Treasurer: Derek Nolan, University of Kentucky
Dairy Foods Director: Maryam Enteshari, South Dakota State University
Dairy Production Director: Lauren Mayo, University of Missouri


President: Hiral Vora, South Dakota State University
Vice-President: Matthew Borchers, University of Kentucky
Secretary: Kristen Glosson, University of Illinois
Treasurer: Elizabeth Eckelkamp, University of Kentucky
Dairy Foods Director: Karthik Pandalaneni, Kansas State University
Dairy Production Director: Brittany Casperson, Purdue University


President: Adam Geiger, Virginia Tech
Vice-President: Hiral Vora, South Dakota State University
Secretary: Elizabeth Eckelkamp, University of Kentucky
Treasurer: Brittany Casperson, Purdue University
Dairy Foods Director: Gil Tansman, University of Vermont
Dairy Production Director: Benjamin Enger, Virginia Tech


President: Curtis Park, North Carolina State University
Vice-President: Adam Geiger, Virginia Tech
Secretary: Catie Cramer, University of Wisconsin- Madison
Treasurer: Melissa Cornett, University of Wisconsin- Madison
Dairy Foods Director: Eric Testroet, Iowa State University
Dairy Production Director: Barbara Wadsworth, University of Kentucky


President: Amanda Sterrett, University of Kentucky
Vice President: Curtis Park, North Carolina State University
Secretary: Adam Geiger, Virginia Tech
Treasurer: Eric Testroet, Iowa State University
Dairy Foods Director: Maneesha Mohan, University of Tennessee
Dairy Production Director: Robb Bender, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Advisory Council Committee Descriptions

DEI Committee

  • Ensure that DEI principles are included in each program, action, and step of programming created by ADSA GSD
  • Develop opportunities to help further promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the organization
  • Evaluate applications for ADSA GSD Travel Grants

Career Development Committee

  • Help identify speakers for webinars (academia and industry)
  • Screen applications for 3-Minute Thesis competition
  • Evaluate applications for ADSA GSD travel grant

Fundraising Committee

  • Help to develop strategies according to the conference goals, including identifying potential sponsors
  • Determined the most effective method for soliciting the sponsorships/donations 
  • Keep the records updated, maintain a database of donors, and track fundraising progress
  • Build a network to increase the number of students and professionals of the area participating in GSD events

Outreach Committee

  • Help outreach chair create social media content to help post and keep students involved and engaged between the Annual Meetings
  • Assist with putting together the newsletters and helping students keep up to date with the ADSA GSD happenings

Social Committee

  • Assist in finding possible venue for a social mixer suited for conference-attending graduate students 
  • Help plan social activities to increase networking and communication between graduate students at the social mixer
  • Virtually work with venue coordinators/managers to get venue prepared for the social mixer