
Uploading Process and Best Recording Practices

Video Submission Deadline: June 8, 11 pm EDT

It is time to prepare and submit your ADSA 2020 virtual presentation! We are happy you are able to present virtually, and we appreciate your effort and patience as we navigate this new format.

Uploading Process

  • File label: Your file should be labeled with your tracking number followed by your name (example: "12345_JohnSmith.mp4")
  • Preferred file type: MP4
  • Acceptable file types: MOV, WMV, AVI, FLV
  • Please check for an email sent on 5/22 with a subject of "Important instructions for your ADSA 2020 virtual presentation" for upload location instructions. Please contact carat@assochq.org to have this email resent.

Best Recording Practices

You do not need to be on camera, but it is nice if we can see your face in the top right corner while you speak. All we absolutely need is a recorded PowerPoint. At minimum, the first slide should include title of the talk, names, and a "head shot" portrait of yourself.

For a professional-quality recording:

  • Find a quiet location where there will be no interruptions or background noise.
  • Position your microphone so that you can be heard clearly.
  • Minimize distractions. Turn off email, text, and phone notifications before beginning. Put your phone on Airplane Mode. Hang a note outside your door stating that you are recording.
  • Redo your recording until you are satisfied with it. What you upload is what will be presented at ADSA.

For more information on preparing your presentation and recording it, see the document titled Guidelines for Presentations and Posters provided by the Overall Program Committee.

For questions or technical support, contact Greg Ullman at gullman@prestigeav.com